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Monday 18 February 2008

Something to...

Assalamu'alaikum...wa rahmatullah...
Apa kabar tmn2 smua? Maaf, lama g posting lg nih, coz I was tied up some days ago.
Ok dech, 2 d point aja.

On this post, I just wanna share something...

Pliz renungkan some words as follows:

"Persistence is the key to make your dreams come true,"

"Having drawback in one side? it's ok ;) try to do better in another side"

"How can you know you lost the game before you try?"

"Change begins when you start trying,"

Someone who can change your life is yourself, just yourself...

Wake up guys! Hidup terlampau singkat untuk dihabiskan bersama kesedihan.

Sorry, g tau nich harus nulis apa lagi. Yupz... It is better than not at all. Ok!!

Untuk tmn2 KIR Eighter's yang punya ide dan gagasan yang amazing, mohon disalurkan through this website. I'll submit this web to you someday, and you of course have to take over it and make it be us, be KIR SMA Negeri 8 Bogor.

Smangat!!! C U another time..
Thanx 4 surviving our beloved organization. We R family.

Salam KIR Eighter's...